Char Nelson graduated from our GARDEN program in 1999. Her post-grad days were a little rocky for awhile, but once Char was grounded in God, she turned into an amazing Christian woman. It was Char who spent so much tender time with our former staff member, Maxine Miller, when Max was struggling with Alzheimer’s.

Char just sent us some pictures of her latest adventure — a 3-week mission trip to Ecuador! You can almost feel her excitement. She says:
“It was such a blessing to go and do life on the mission field. I found I really do like that life. My friends reach out to street kids and have taken 4 boys into there home, … We would have church service right in their house. I saw a baptism, bull chasing, a demon exorcised, . . . took a trip to the jungle, . . . shared my testimony, fed the homeless, washed dishes, ate rice and read Psalm 91 a lot! God gave me a very well rounded trip!”

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