Whom we help

We offer a place for single women or women with children (boys up to age 10), who may be experiencing an unstable housing situation, a home where they can BELONG, BE LOVED & BE SAFE. There is no charge for the stay, but we do ask that all guests contribute to the household chores. We have several programs each with different rules, requirements, and expectations. However, each area has the following basics:

  • We are a non-smoking facility. No smoking is allowed anywhere on our campus.
  • We do not tolerate alcohol or drug use.
  • We have curfews and times to be in the Home.
  • Everyone helps with household chores.
  • We maintain a dress code.
  • We have zero tolerance for violence either physical or verbal.

For decades, our core programs have been creating an environment of love, community, and security for the women and children we serve. If you are in need of shelter, please contact (559) 264-4714 to check availability and process for admission.